What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation in which the subconscious mind is  receptive to positive thoughts and suggestions. Through hypnosis, your behavior can be modified to benefit you by replacing the old beliefs or behaviors that you no longer need or want with the new ones you desire.

In Hypnosis, Will I Do Anything I Don’t Want to Do or Say Anything I Don’t Want to Say?

Hypnosis is completely consensual.  Meaning that You cannot and will not ever be compelled to do or say anything under hypnosis that will conflict with your personal ethical standards and/or morals.

How many sessions do I need?

there is no definitive answer to how many sessions a client needs.  some people see results after one session, while others find they need more.  Each program is developed for each unique individual therefore the amount of sessions is equally as unique.

Can I be hypnotized?

the simple answer is yes.  If you are motivated to make a change, trust the process and do the work then hypnosis will work for you.